CIS utility functions cis.time_util module

Utilities for converting time units

cis.time_util.calculate_mid_time(t1, t2)
Find the mid time between two times expressed as floats
  • t1 – a time represented as a float
  • t2 – a time in the same representation as t1

a float representing the time between t1 and t2


Converts the time coordinate from the one in the cube to one based on a standard time unit. :param cube: cube to modify :return: the cube


Convert an array of julian days to cis standard time

Array should have units like: Julian Date, days elapsed since 12:00 January 1, 4713 BC
Parameters:days_since – numpy array of fractional days since 12:00 January 1, 4713 BC
Returns:fractional days since cis standard time
cis.time_util.convert_sec_since_to_std_time(seconds, ref)

Convert a number of seconds since a given reference datetime to a number of days since our standard time. The given reference DateTime must be on the Gregorian calendar.

  • seconds – Array of seconds (since the reference time provided)
  • ref – The reference datetime which the seconds are counted from





A numpy array containing all of the time values (in fractional days since the CIS standard time)

cis.time_util.convert_time_since_to_std_time(time_array, units)
cis.time_util.convert_time_using_time_stamp_info_to_std_time(time_array, units, time_stamp_info=None)

Convert the time using time stamp info and the first word of the units :param time_array: the time array to convert :param units: the units of the array (e.g. day or Days from the file time reference 2012-12-12) :param time_stamp_info: the time stamp to use for the convertion :return: converted data cis.utils module

class cis.utils.OrderedSet(iterable=None)

Bases: _abcoll.MutableSet

From http://code.activestate.com/recipes/576694/

cis.utils.add_element_to_list_in_dict(my_dict, key, value)
cis.utils.add_file_prefix(prefix, filepath)

Add a prefix to a filename taking into account any path that might be present before that actual filename

  • prefix – A string to prefix the filename with
  • filepath – Filename, optionally including path

A string with the full path to the prefixed file

cis.utils.add_to_list_if_not_none(item, list)

Add a value to a list if it is not None

  • item – the item to add
  • list – the list to append it to


cis.utils.apply_intersection_mask_to_two_arrays(array1, array2)

Ensure two (optionally) masked arrays have the same mask. If both arrays are masked the intersection of the masks is used. If one array is masked and the other is not, the mask from the masked array is applied to the unmasked array. If neither array is masked then both arrays are returned as masked arrays with an empty mask.

  • array1 – An (optionally masked) array
  • array2 – Another (optionally masked) array

Two masked arrays with a common mask

cis.utils.apply_mask_to_numpy_array(in_array, mask)

Element-wise ORs the mask with the mask of the array. If the mask masks no elements, no change is made. If the array is not masked, it is converted to a masked array.

  • in_array (numpy array or masked array) – input array
  • mask (numpy array of boolean) – mask
cis.utils.array_equal_including_nan(array1, array2)
  • array1 – A numpy array
  • array2 – Another numpy array (can be of a different shape)

True or false if the arrays are equal, including NaNs.

cis.utils.calculate_histogram_bin_edges(data, axis, user_range, step, log_scale=False)
  • data – A numpy array
  • axis – The axis on which the data will be plotted. Set to “x” for histogram2d
  • user_range – A dictionary containing the min and max values for the edges specified by the user. The data min and max is used if the user did not specify
  • step – The distance between each bin edge/the width of each bin

An array containing a list of bin edges (i.e. when each bin starts and ends)

cis.utils.concatenate(arrays, axis=0)

Concatenate a list of numpy arrays into one larger array along the axis specified (the default axis is zero). If any of the arrays are masked arrays then the returned array will be a masked array with the correct mask, otherwise a numpy array is returned.

  • arrays – A list of numpy arrays (masked or not)
  • axis – The axis along which to concatenate (the default is 0)

The concatenated array

cis.utils.copy_attributes(source, dest)

Copy all attributes from one object to another

  • source – Object to copy attributes from
  • dest – Object to copy attributes to


cis.utils.create_masked_array_for_missing_data(data, missing_val)
cis.utils.create_masked_array_for_missing_values(data, missing_values)

This is a decorator which can be used to mark functions as deprecated. It will result in a warning being emitted when the function is used.

Taken from http://code.activestate.com/recipes/391367-deprecated/

cis.utils.dimensions_equal(dimensions, other_dimensions)

Check to see if two dimensions are the same (contain the same variables in the same order)

  • dimensions – dimension list
  • other_dimensions – other dimension list
cis.utils.expand_1d_to_2d_array(array_1d, length, axis=0)

General utility routine to ‘extend a 1D array into a 2D array by duplicating the data along a given ‘axis’ (default is 0) of size ‘length’.


>>> a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> expand_1d_to_2d_array(a, 4, axis=0)
[[1 2 3 4]
 [1 2 3 4]
 [1 2 3 4]
 [1 2 3 4]]

>>> a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> expand_1d_to_2d_array(a, 4, axis=1)
[[1 1 1 1]
 [2 2 2 2]
 [3 3 3 3]
 [4 4 4 4]]
  • array_1d
  • length
  • axis

cis.utils.find_longitude_wrap_start(x_variable, packed_data_items)

ONLY WORK OUT THE WRAP START OF THE DATA :param x_variable: :param x_range: :param packed_data_items: :return:

cis.utils.fix_longitude_range(lons, range_start)

Shifts longitude values by +/- 360 to fit within a 360 degree range starting at a specified value. It is assumed that a no shifts larger than 360 are needed.

  • lons – numpy array of longitude values
  • range_start – longitude at start of 360 degree range into which values are required to fit

array of fixed longitudes


Returns the qualified class name of a class.

Parameters:cls – class
Returns:class name
cis.utils.get_coord(data_object, variable, data)

Find a specified coord

  • data_object
  • variable
  • data


Returns X, Y, Z or T corresponding to longitude, latitude, altitude or time respectively if the coordinate can be determined to be one of these (based on the standard name only, in this implementation).

This is intended to be similar to iris.util.guess_coord_axis.

cis.utils.haversine(lat, lon, lat2, lon2)

Computes the Haversine distance between two points


Iterates over the indexes of a multi-dimensional array of a specified shape. The last index changes most rapidly.

Parameters:shape – sequence of array dimensions
Returns:yields tuples of array indexes
cis.utils.index_iterator_for_non_masked_data(shape, points)

Iterates over the indexes of a multi-dimensional array of a specified shape. The last index changes most rapidly.

Parameters:shape – sequence of array dimensions
Returns:yields tuples of array indexes
cis.utils.index_iterator_nditer(shape, points)

Iterates over the indexes of a multi-dimensional array of a specified shape. The last index changes most rapidly.

Parameters:shape – sequence of array dimensions
Returns:yields tuples of array indexes

If item is not a list, return it as a list

Parameters:item – Item which may or may not be a list

Write the total memory to the log as debug message

Parameters:location – location in the program where the memory measurement was taken

Parse a string such as ‘10km’ or ‘1.0e3m’ to a distance in km

Parameters:distance – string to parse
Returns:A distance in km

Parse a string such as ‘10km’ or ‘1.0e3m’ to a distance in m

Parameters:distance – string to parse
Returns:A distance in m
Takes list of keyword value strings (seperated by =) and returns a dictionary with those keys and values NOTE if a key has no value, the key is stored and given the value True
Parameters:input_list – A list of strings which are keyword value pairs separated by =
Returns:A dictionary of the keywords and values
cis.utils.parse_key_val_string(arguments, separator)

Takes a (comma) separated list of keyword value pairs (separated by =) and returns a dictionary with those keys and values

  • arguments – A string which is a separated list of keyword value pairs
  • separator – String which is used to split the string into a list

A dictionary of the keywords and values

cis.utils.remove_file_prefix(prefix, filepath)

Remove a prefix from a filename, taking into account any path that might be present before that actual filename

  • prefix – The prefix to remove
  • filepath – Filename, optional including path

A string with the full path to the un-prefixed file

cis.utils.set_cube_standard_name_if_valid(cube, standard_name)

Set a cube’s standard name if it is a valid CF compliant name, otherwise set it to None

  • cube – Cube to set standard name on
  • standard_name – Standard name to set


Split a string such as ‘1000m’ or ‘1.0e3’ to a value and, optionally, units

Parameters:distance – string to parse
Returns:A distance in m
cis.utils.unpack_data_object(data_object, x_variable, y_variable, x_wrap_start)

:param data_object A cube or an UngriddedData object :return: A dictionary containing x, y and data as numpy arrays

cis.utils.wrap_longitude_coordinate_values(x_min, x_max)