2.1. What’s new in CIS 1.5

This page documents the new features added, and bugs fixed in CIS since version 1.4.0. See all changes here: https://github.com/cedadev/cis/compare/1.4.0...1.5.0

2.1.1. CIS 1.5 features

  • The biggest change is that CIS can now be used as a Python library, all of the command line tools are now easily available through Python. This allows commands to be run sequentially in memory, slicing of gridded or ungridded datasets and easy integration with other Python packages such as Iris and Pandas.
  • Taylor diagrams - CIS is now able to plot Taylor diagrams which are an excellent way of quantitatively comparing two or more (collocated) datasets
  • All map plots are now able to be plotted in any of the available Cartopy projections, see http://scitools.org.uk/cartopy/docs/latest/crs/projections.html for a full list.

2.1.2. Incompatible changes

  • Since aggregation of gridded datasets has quite a different set of options as compared to the aggregation of ungridded datasets, the aggregate command has been deprecated for gridded datasets. It is still supported through command line for the time being, but will be removed in future releases. Please use the collapse command instead.

2.1.3. Bugs fixed

  • [JASCIS-268] The plotting routines have been re-architected to allow easier testing and extension.
  • [JASCIS-357] Added deprecation for the aggregation of gridded datasets
  • [JASCIS-329] Metadata objects now attempt to use cf_units for all units, but will fall back to strings if needed. In future releases we may insist on plugins providing standard units.